
RPA doubles the efficiency of HR work!Reduce the recruitment process by 50% and take 50% of the time-consuming process

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With the rapid development of technology, more and more enterprises are adopting robotic process automation (RPA) to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs. The HR department plays a vital role in the operations of a business, responsible for many core businesses from talent acquisition and employee management to payroll. This article will delve into the application scenarios of RPA in HR departments.

The HR department introduces three major application scenarios of RPA

1Recruitment management

When it comes to recruitment management, RPA can dramatically reduce the time and error rate of manual operations. For example:

  • Download the resumes of applicants on a daily basis: RPA can automatically download the resumes of all applicants on the day from recruitment sites such as 104 and fill them in the company’s internal Excel spreadsheet, saving a lot of manpower.
  • Consolidate exam results: RPA can automatically integrate exam results into reports and send them to department heads for evaluation, ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of information.

Let’s take a look at the chart below to see how the recruitment process reduces the time-consuming process by more than half. There are many actions to complete throughout the recruitment process, such as downloading and archiving resumes, screening resumes, forwarding interviewers, scheduling meetings, and more. Among so many actions, we can single out 6 that can be automated through RPA.

Reduce 50% of the time-consuming tasks in the recruitment process! RPA helps HR double their work efficiency-new1

2、Employee management

RPA also plays an important role in employee management:

  • Preparation of onboarding documents for new employees: RPA can automatically prepare the required documents whenever a new employee joins the company and send a customized onboarding notification letter to improve the onboarding experience of new employees.
  • Arrange onboarding: RPA can notify the relevant departments and arrange onboarding for new employees to ensure a smooth process.
  • Attendance record check: RPA can choose scheduling, automatically export the attendance records of all employees from the system at a fixed time, check whether there are any anomalies such as late arrival, early departure, or failure to clock in, and generate a report.
  • Exception notifications: RPA can automatically send notifications to relevant employees and their supervisors in Teams to ensure that problems can be resolved in a timely manner.

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Payroll management

Payroll is an important responsibility of HR departments, and RPA can be of great help in this regard:

  • Payroll data export: At the end of each month, RPA can automatically export the salary data of all employees from the payroll system, including principal salary, overtime pay, bonus, etc., to ensure the accuracy of the data.
  • Payroll delivery: RPA can split reports according to departments and automatically send them to department heads and employees to improve work efficiency.

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The introduction of RPA can not only improve the work efficiency of the HR department, but also reduce labor costs and improve employee satisfaction. With the continuous advancement of technology, RPA will become more and more widely used in the HR field and become an important tool for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness.

KSCC is a management consulting company in Taiwan. Our services include corporate in-house training, consulting, and leadership management.For more information about our corporate services, please feel free to visit our website: https://kscthinktank.com.tw/custom-training/ 

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