
7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (8)

When using Power BI for data analysis, if you need to manually update the data every time you view a report, you can add a lot of unnecessary work. To solve this problem, today we’re going to teach you how to schedule updates so that Power BI reports can automatically update data on a regular basis for real-time data ingestion without the hassle of manual updates.

Step 1:Log in Power BI Pro account in desktop and publish report.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (1)

Step 2:Enter Power BI website and log in account.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (2)

Step 3: Select the report that needs to be scheduled to be updated and update it according to the schedule.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (3)

Step 4:Log in On-premises data gateway (personal mode) and check gateway be connected.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (4)

Step 5:Select Personal Gateway which be connected.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (5)

Step 6: Set the data source credential to ensure that the data source credential is correctly configured.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (6)

Step 7: Turn on Refresh, set the update frequency and time, and click Apply.

7 steps to teach you how to schedule updates for Power BI reports (7)

With the above 7 simple steps, you can easily set up schedule updates for Power BI reports, and the schedule update feature can greatly improve work efficiency, especially for the following scenarios:

  1. Manufacturing line tracking: In the manufacturing industry, capacity data needs to be viewed regularly to track production status. By setting the schedule update, the report can automatically capture the latest production line data, which is convenient for managers to understand the production progress in real time.
  2. Shift rotation tracking: In the working environment that requires shift changes, such as the alternation of day and night shifts, the schedule update can track the shipment progress in real time, quickly find and deal with abnormal situations, and ensure the smooth production process.
  3. Business report : When the sales reports the performance of the standard, you can track the sales performance in real time by setting the schedule to update it to ensure that the goal is achieved at a glance. This helps management make quick adjustments and decisions to improve overall performance.
  4. Inventory management: When the inventory level is too low, the inventory status can be automatically monitored by setting a schedule update, and real-time reminders can be made to purchase orders and prepare materials in advance, so as to avoid material shortages, production stagnation or delayed delivery of goods.
  5. Financial data analysis: The finance department can use the scheduled update function to regularly update financial statements to monitor the company’s financial status, such as cash flow, revenue, and expenses, in real time. It is also able to quickly identify potential financial problems and take early countermeasures.

This way of setting up schedules allows us to save a lot of time in our daily work and improve work efficiency, especially in scenarios where we need to track changes in data in real time. Whether it’s in manufacturing, logistics, financial management, or other industries that require frequent data updates, Power BI’s scheduling capabilities allow us to keep track of changes in data in real time and make accurate and real-time decisions in data analysis.

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