
How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

Nowadays, online shopping on e-commerce platforms has become an indispensable part of life, and logistics and distribution are interlinked with the whole process, such as how to achieve the shortest route planning for complex dispatch routes, and how to reasonably allocate according to different vehicle types to reduce the number of deliveries. At the same time, it is also necessary to analyze the volume, dimension or stacking of the goods to optimize the loading rate of the vehicles. Today, let’s dive into how to use Power BI’s visual dashboard to quickly grasp the logistics and transportation status.

In this article, we want you to know how to optimize the transportation and fleet management through Power BI

  • Based on different types of trucks to optimize and allocate the distribution

Keeping track of different vehicle and container types (e.g. minivans, large trucks, trailers, reefer trailer, general containers, refrigerated containers, etc.) can help you select the suitable vehicle for the type of cargo, load and volume, and optimize the number of deliveries.

How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

  • Fuel consumption cost analysis

Recording fuel consumption and maintenance costs can help you analyze vehicle efficiency and freight costs.

How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

  • Fleet management

Record the mileage of the driver to facilitate the optimization of manpower allocation and establish a system for optimizing the freight fee based on the type of vehicle, delivery spot, liters consumed, and total KM traveled.

How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

  • Path planning optimization

Analyze and calculate the efficiency of the route to optimize the route traveled and plan the best path.

How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

In addition, it is also can do a comprehensive analysis, such as transportation and fleet management through the following indicators.

  1. Driver’s average hours per day
  2. Utilization rate of traveled time
  3. Daily dispatch status
  4. Delivery list
  5. Trucks utilization
  6. Comparison of mileage driven
  7. Check the order details and dispatch records according to the shipping order number or dispatch time
  8. Analyze the revenue by products or customers

How to improve fleet management and delivery processes with Power BI

With simple and intuitive visualizations, transportation and dispatch management can be clearly tracked. First of all, we can quickly grasp the average number of hours a driver spends on a daily basis, which helps to evaluate work efficiency. Secondly, the utilization rate of travel time gives us an idea of time resource allocation. In addition, a visual chart of the daily dispatch status helps to monitor and adjust daily transportation activities. The delivery list allows us to easily track the progress of the delivery of the goods.

Visualization of vehicle usage is also critical to help us optimize vehicle allocation and usage. The mileage can record fuel consumption and transportation costs and improve the efficiency of vehicle operation. In addition, the function of querying according to the shipping order number or dispatch time allows us to quickly find specific order details and dispatch records, which greatly improves the efficiency of data query. Finally, by analyzing the sales amount of a product or customer, we can better understand the market demand and customer preferences, so as to further optimize our sales strategy and distribution arrangement. In short, these visualizations not only improve management efficiency, but also help to create more accurate and effective transportation strategies.

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